[Unofficial, Agr] Closof Family Mafia
Welcome to the Closof Family Mafia.

[Image: scaled.php?server=689&filename=clantitle.png&res=medium]

We make enemies and we don't make friends. We don't trust anyone and we will always heavily defend ourselves. Though some of us are short on money we still manage to supply ourselves with arms and defense weapons.
We are masters of Corporate Espionage as well as combat. Our values are loyalty, honor and with sound of a bullet piercing an enemies head. We are the Closof Family.

Our group consists of a small number of people. We are hard on recruiting people because of our lack of trust, but some may still get in.
Our classes can range depending on what's taken and what isn't.

Our leaders are:
1.Oliver (FBIElf)

1. We don't kill other members.
2. Random raids WILL NOT happen.
3. Respect your leaders and eachother.
4. Just because we are a mafia doesn't mean we break the rules.
5. Obey the leaders and never make clan decisions without their approval.



Steam name
Steam ID
RP name
Why would you like to join this clan?
In-Game Name
Hours on Sever
Current Funds
Weapon preference
Total bans
Preferred Job

More info is soon to come. This has been an article on the Closof Family Mafia.

Messages In This Thread
[Unofficial, Agr] Closof Family Mafia - by Oliver Closof - 03-14-2012, 12:52 AM

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