[FL:RP] Dabster
Hello there!

Yea thats true, i broke my NLR! and i also went to the locker, not denying anything here. Thing is my spawn point was in the middle of my NLR anyways so i broke it as soon as i spawned, there is no way i could have avoided breaking it in the first place lol so i thought out of reflex why not quickly go to the armory anyway cause i broke it as soon as i spawned and got outside again because of course i died, forgot everything about my previous life and accepted the terms of NLR as soon as i got my weapons... so as far as i see it, i did a mistake i guess, but on the other hand i couldn't have avoided it. Just quickly went to the locker to get my weapons and ignored eveything and everyone around be obviously cause thats part of my NLR and let the raid continue. Maybe i shouldn't have gone to the locker, thats my bad then and i sincerely apologize if it really means so much to the player reporting me, but about the NLR there wasn't much to do about it and i did the best out of the current situation at that point in my opinion.

Hoping for a quick and positive response!

Kind Regards,


Messages In This Thread
[FL:RP] Dabster - by Megamezzomixer - 07-17-2021, 02:44 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Dabster - by -(P)- Dabster - 07-17-2021, 02:56 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Dabster - by Dan - 07-17-2021, 02:57 PM

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