The FearlessRP Cheatsheet! (Guide)
Tip 27 (Advanced)

Firstly great thread Cygnus but I do feel like you missed one absolutely vital tip if you want to have any success doing whatever you want and that is of course befriending staff, this will basically make it so you are not only untouchable but also infallible. How you go about this will depend on your activity level but a great place to start is by joining a staff members clan and absolutely sweating them as much as possible.

Please don't waste your time trying to befriend staff such as Haarek however, you really want value for money so be sure to pick wisely! I personally recommend Snowflame or Violet as they will quite happily misinterpret information, make up facts or just deploy simple tunnel vision to get themselves and their mates out of a sticky one! (Don't forget, even if they do have to punish you it'll be for a fraction of what anyone else would get).

Tip 28 (Not needed if you complete tip 27, you will never face scrutiny).

Staff have literally no way of verifying what is said in sits as they rely on primitive logs so don't be afraid of lying in a sit, there is rarely a difference in punishment if you confess or lie. And at least when you fabricate a totally false version of events the other person has to prove it with a video.

Messages In This Thread
The FearlessRP Cheatsheet! (Guide) - by Cygnus - 12-09-2020, 07:02 PM
RE: The FearlessRP Cheatsheet! (Guide) - by Conn - 12-10-2020, 12:06 AM
RE: The FearlessRP Cheatsheet! (Guide) - by Luna - 12-10-2020, 12:37 AM
RE: The FearlessRP Cheatsheet! (Guide) - by Apexius Keksius - 12-10-2020, 12:57 PM
RE: The FearlessRP Cheatsheet! (Guide) - by Jan - 12-19-2020, 05:05 PM
RE: The FearlessRP Cheatsheet! (Guide) - by Fry - 12-13-2020, 04:08 PM
RE: The FearlessRP Cheatsheet! (Guide) - by Marty - 12-19-2020, 09:11 PM

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