zXNoRegretzXz, Kraft Punk,[FL:RP] Flex , fastfood9000
Reported User(s): zXNoRegretzXz, Kraft Punk,[FL:RP] Flex , fastfood9000

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:420393797

Date & Time (GMT): 31/7/19 @ 20:26 GMT

Summary of the incident
The  guys
zXNoRegretzXz : STEAM_0:1:420393797 
Kraft Punk : STEAM_0:1:159462299
[FL:RP] Flex : STEAM_0:1:159462299
fastfood9000 : STEAM_0:1:177466096
They Killed me 2 times for no reason

 | Here is some good proof |
 \/                                   \/

                                                                                                                         K Thx Bye

i got 3 videos:

First one : https://youtu.be/UcbXzNU8V_U

Second one: https://youtu.be/p2eOMAadgX0

Last/Third one ( This is from my friend/ The woman was me) https://youtu.be/ZQyN4PCPy0Y

Messages In This Thread
zXNoRegretzXz, Kraft Punk,[FL:RP] Flex , fastfood9000 - by WhiteBoy - 07-31-2019, 12:06 AM

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