magnus , SiRNÆRC , [FL:RP] Joshua
Disobeying superiors orders could be resolved IC by reporting it to the President or VP. I was also corrupt as it said in my description, therefore it gives me more freedome to "disobey orders" The argument that Narc would not demote us wouldn't work because he was an officer / police sergeant. I believe Turtle was president at the time and he could've demoted all three of us if he wanted to. Please specify what the OOC reasons were for me to disobey orders? I accidentally threw a concussion grenade as I don't usually roleplay as SRU I did not abuse the tazer, I was partnered with Magnus and we were capturing criminals. If another officer tells someone to stop moving and he runs away I am allowed to jump in to assist the other officer. You called us "complete idiots" which is incredibly inappropriate for a player report and you're insulting us. We didn't try to shut down the casino but you overheard when we suggested to the current president to do so as a lot of problems had occured at the casino. I would like to add Miku was metagaming by kicking us out earlier because she obviously hated us. If I'm not mistaken Magnus had just rejoined and died several times before returning and she metagamed and did not want him inside the casino. When confronted she said something like, "You look like someone I don't want in here". Clearly metagaming.

Messages In This Thread
RE: magnus , SiRNÆRC , [FL:RP] Joshua - by S!RNARC - 07-17-2019, 07:00 PM
RE: magnus , SiRNÆRC , [FL:RP] Joshua - by Joshua1 - 07-17-2019, 07:37 PM
RE: magnus , SiRNÆRC , [FL:RP] Joshua - by S!RNARC - 07-18-2019, 02:25 AM
RE: magnus , SiRNÆRC , [FL:RP] Joshua - by S!RNARC - 07-17-2019, 10:33 PM
RE: magnus , SiRNÆRC , [FL:RP] Joshua - by S!RNARC - 07-18-2019, 03:02 AM

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