Reported User(s): Esaac

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:68228778

Date & Time (GMT): 30/12/18 @ 17:00 GMT

Summary of the incident
I was trying to search the Esaac as i had just heard a car alarm go off near the area and i then saw him getting into a car. I tried to tell him multiple times via gun point using voice chat that he should get out of the car(I later used text chat as i saw that OBS was not picking up sound). He refused and said he would call a admin as he considered it to be a invalid search.

I find that this is breaking fearRP and also breaking the rule about metagaming that states:

Quote:If you believe that something is against the rules, you should still RP along, and just call an admin using @. Don't try and stop the RP by saying that this is breaking the rules. You can inform them using local OOC, but unless the rule-breaking is blatant (i.e. someone is running around killing everybody or prop-pushing) you should continue to RP; you may be in the wrong, and then you would've stopped a valid RP for no reason.


Messages In This Thread
Esaac - by Anton. - 12-30-2018, 05:22 PM
RE: Esaac - by Tomo - 01-15-2019, 07:40 PM

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