[FL:RP] Jong Jong
Reported User(s): [FL:RP] Jong Jong

Reported User's SteamID:  STEAM_0:1:14212289

Date & Time (GMT): 22/12/18 @ 19:10 GMT

Summary of the incident
Basiccly strike Jailbreaked me, i equipped an galil to take out the police force that came then jong jong and his friend took us under fear rp and after we stood there a little his friend just randomly shoots strike with a shotgun one time for no reason, he even had  us tied up. then strike just called him a N**** and thats where jong jong just killed strike and mask for no reason, (me and mask didn't say anything or do anything, then he comes up to me while im asking for the reason he says that strike called his friend a N**** and i said well thats not a valid reason to kill 2 innocent people, he said ¨tell me why i cant then he just fucking screams it like 10 times while im trying to explain, starts counting down from 10 and then just keeps interupting while im trying to explain and shoots me down.  Really small amount of evidence, its because of my shadowplay is only 30 sec back, but you clearly sees he dosnt even give me time to explain, Killed 3 people for calling his friend a bad word, strike was just jailbreaking me, non of their business just takes us 3 under fear rp. Pretty RDM'ish and Failrp.


Messages In This Thread
[FL:RP] Jong Jong - by Julern - 12-22-2018, 06:22 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Jong Jong - by Julern - 12-22-2018, 06:23 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Jong Jong - by Janzo 火 - 01-04-2019, 08:27 PM

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