Report Tentacy (AKA Ali, and the rest of the government listed below)
(09-05-2018, 03:05 AM)Zecon Wrote: Okay, there still seems to be a LOT of confusion in this case, though I'm pleased individual perspectives have been uploaded as I requested so I'll view everything provided, lay out some points, then request clarification.

As far as my perspective goes, I initially responded to a call from AdamCF, who from what I could gather was of the belief that he was merely caught up in the raid and randomly arrested. I teleported into the building mid-raid when it appeared to be almost over and asked what exactly the reason was for the raid, the general consensus at that point was "presidents' orders". Whilst the participants were dispersing I then decided to ask Adam himself what was going on, who stated he wasn't sure there was a reason at all for the raid. It was at this point I referred to Wolven, who was back in the Nexus and we had this discussion:

Quote:[FL:T] Zecon said: .//Now raid is over can ya just explain to me the scenario?
[FL:RP] Wolven said: .// King told us to go over there and arrest them so I went there and talked calmly (logs will show)
[FL:RP] Wolven said: .// and me recording

[FL:RP] Wolven said: .// but someoen breached

[FL:RP] Wolven said: .// and knocked rims out

[FL:RP] Wolven said: .// so I left.r

[FL:RP] Wolven said: .// We were ordered to go raid.

[FL:T] Zecon said: .//Did King give any reason?

[FL:RP] Wolven said: .// Not as I'm ware. But i'd rather keep my job and try negotiate whats happening rather than get demoted.
So at this point, I'm of the belief that the government had been requested to arrest the guild by the president, but was currently unaware of the reason. So it seems the government approached peacefully, but then someone decided to breach and initiate a full-scale raid.
It was at this point I approached King In The North to ask exactly why this mass-arrest was requested. From what I recall, he claimed it was related to the fact that he had a law by which all shops were required to have a license, which is true:
Quote:All kind of shops need to have shop license.
Shop without shop license will result a huge fine.
If you want shop license ask for a meeting with the president.

I then teleported to Adam once more (in jails at this point) to inquire as to whether such a license was acquired or if a fine was possibly refused by him which could've resulted in the arrest request. However I was informed Rims was in fact the owner of the premises, who subsequently informed me that no such fine was presented, just the raid. I was also at this time made aware of another law that King In The North had in place which was this:
Quote:Thieves Guild are banned for being cigarettes
I was still unsure as to why a seemingly full-scale raid had broken out, so requested if anyone had recordings before I made any final decision on the case because I did not wish to conclude it unless I was completely aware of the scenario, which Adam politely informed me he would provide along with others, which brings us to this moment. If there are any inaccuracies in what I have gathered thus far, please inform me here as I am trying to gather as much information as possible to come to a sensible resolution here and I have heard multiple stories thus far. Similarly please comment if you have any further information to add.

There are a lot of duplicate threads on this case so I shall copy all video links here for reference (in case duplicate threads are deleted) and ask some clarification questions below: [1] , [2] , [3] , [4] , [5]

1 KingInTheNorth & Rims  - Assuming the order for the arrest was based on the license law, was there any point in which a license was handed over from the government to the guild? If not, Rims, were you approached prior to the raid and asked to pay a large fine as the law suggests would be the appropriate action? If that wasn't the case either, King, why exactly was an arrest ordered on all people on the property? Failure to provide a sufficient reason would be in violation of this rule:
Quote:6.6a As a President, don't warrant players without a roleplay reason. 

2 KingInTheNorth - Can you please elaborate on some background info of your "Thieves Guild are banned for being cigarettes" law? I'm aware you were a 'Jewish Dictator' and you could claim you had extreme religious views so those who disagreed with them would be subject to arrest, but what occurred IC which meant you had such information on the members of the Thieves Guild? Just clarifying to make sure this rule is being followed appropriately as well:
Quote:6.1 Do not ban things from the city without a proper roleplay reason

3 AliTaze - Why, when fellow officers had guns at the hip and were talking with the people on the premises, did you decide it was necessary to run up and smack a breach on the door, thus inducing the raid?

4 Adamino - The first video in your thread doesn't work, keeps saying it is processing, is there a possibility of a re-upload please? As far as the 2nd video is concerned (clip [4] referenced here) it seems that was just a misunderstanding between you and Ali judging by the comments made in your thread.

For now, I await further response from the people I have asked clarification from in this post, thank you all for your patience with this case.

1. I rpe'd as a dictator when i told my police force to close the place and to arrest the owners of the place, i know the original law is only to give them a big fine but as dictator i shell rule my country with strength to make all the citizens to fear me.. The Thieves guild shop was a huge place in the middle of the city who disobeyed the law in front of everyone which is disrespectful to my rule... so i wanted to set an example to make all the citizens fear from me.. So yes i told my police force to shut the place down and to arrest the owners.

2. In Character of course i banned the gays/cigarettes away from the city because i was a Jewish dictator and its forbidden in the Jewish religion.. so i had report from citizens that the Thieves guild In Character of course are cigarettes / Gays so yes i banned them from the city.
[Image: SJ7w4J5.png]

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RE: Report Tentacy (AKA Ali, and the rest of the government listed below) - by KingInTheNorth - 09-05-2018, 11:13 AM

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