PR - Red Knight
Name of player: Red Knight

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:101973219

Server: v4b1

Time in GT: 17:50

Summary: So all started because my fault i pulled a knife in public and this sergeant arrested me but first he shot a big in me with his awp. After that I posted a not so friendly advert to him in game and he run up to me when he saws me in the street, instantly handcuffed and tazed me (metagaming he can't know who I am.) After that he wanted to arrest me with a reason " punching officers "he lied about this I never punched an officer. Even the president knew it and he didn't wanted to warrant me and the sru just kept hitting me with his arresting stick. After that a random guy ran up to us and started to punch him. After a couple seconds the guy stopped and ran away the SRU just kept shooting him with his AWP. When I told that has to demote this SRU because shooting that guy and minging he said he was "killing birds", and im "lying". I started to follow him to record him and when he stopped I wanted to write him in local he told me go away and immediately tazed me and warranted me with a reason "following me" didn't even had time to follow fearrp... After that I got into jail and he came to me in the jail and tried to bribe me: to pay him 2000 dollars and he relase me.. LOL.. when he saw me in the jail he even shot me with his pistol first ( that was the part when I turned on my recording 2nd time you can see my hp and im in red screen. All things you can see is on the two record I'm uploading here. When I joined the server before this incident people told in ooc that this guy just rdming and minging around. He has more than 400 hours he should know better.. or maybe it was his friend's account??? He just borrowed it? Because he looked very childish and noobish to me.

*just spotted he has a last chance "78268 DoctorKnight STEAM_0:1:101973219 Steam Profile (ban lifted before expired) Intentional CDM | Lying during sit // Extended by Yonno - Permed as per last chance
[FL] DVN" Should be more careful


Messages In This Thread
PR - Red Knight - by Scrake - 08-15-2018, 04:02 PM
RE: PR - Red Knight - by Red Knight - 08-15-2018, 05:24 PM
RE: PR - Red Knight - by Scrake - 08-15-2018, 05:32 PM
RE: PR - Red Knight - by Janzo 火 - 09-17-2018, 09:14 PM

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