Report Of Multiple Members FL:RP DOB/FLRP: A L I/ FLRP : Liamm/ FLRP: Ghost Killer/ F
Hello Aspire, I will be commenting on the sections that you split up into 30 seconds that refer to me.

"Video 1 - (2 - 2.5 Minutes)
They say leave or you will be shot.
Dobs begins counting down from 5, I tell kevin to shut the fuck up which he instantly does, dobs begins shooting kevin and the other guy when they attempt to leave.
Shooting unarmed citizens who are obeying their commands and leaving.
I tell him he can’t kill unarmed people, he tells me to keep it in character. I even say I don’t want him to get banned which is true.
They call me mouthy. (Not an insult)."

I tell the citizens very clearly to leave. In fact my voice is heard over every other sound. However they disagree. I then give them a slow 5 second count down to leave, they do not hence why I shoot them. I can shoot unarmed people if they fail to not follow my commands, just because they are unarmed does not give them full immunity. The reason why I tell you too "keep it in character" is due to the fact that as soon as someone believe's I break the rules, I am sick to death of them having a go at me. You can use .// [Message] to contact someone in the LOOC. This is a role-play server, me telling you to role-play was not being sarcastic or cheeky, simply reminding you. 

You tell me that you have watched the video several times, why have you not picked up on the fact that the citizens walk into nexus at the beginning of the raid, even though there is a raid and they are citizens? Anyhow I am here to defend my actions.

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RE: Report Of Multiple Members FL:RP DOB/FLRP: A L I/ FLRP : Liamm/ FLRP: Ghost Killer/ F - by god - 07-26-2018, 07:16 PM

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