Britbong UBR
Your name: Britbong

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:34128932

Your ban ID: 63037 61747

Banned by: Nevy and console.

Reason: Being disrespectful in OOC and to an admin and I double accounted because I was immature and really wanted to return to the community.

Involved: Me.

Why we should unban you: Time has past since this ban happened and since then I've matured a lot, I've began to realise that me getting angry years ago at the admin was really out of pure frustration at not understanding what was going on. I was uneducated to the ways of roleplay and rules and as a result I was punished, since then I've roleplayed on other servers and I now fully understand both the rules and the means to roleplay (including /me's and /it commands, etc). I apologize for my foolishness those years back, I was young and as you could tell not very experienced in the roleplaying scene and I now thoroughly believe my ban was justified at the time and was the firm boot up the backside I needed that fueled me to change my ways. I'd like to personally apologize to Nevy for my actions and beg his forgiveness, the things I said were spur of the moment things that I thought up in an attempt to hurt you and since that day I have regretted saying every last one of them. I ask for your forgiveness and I in-return promise whole-heartedly I will abide by the rules and work hard to not only have fun and roleplay on the server but to make the server a better place by hopefully teaching new players (like I was) that breaking the rules isn't worth it and that the server has a lot to offer if you know how to harness it. Thank you very much for reading and please consider my unban request - from a regret-filled player.
señor de los anillos de plata
shitposter a nivel subatómico

Imagen de firma eliminada (demasiado grande) - DVN

Messages In This Thread
Britbong UBR - by lordofthesilver - 05-30-2018, 08:11 PM
RE: Britbong UBR - by lordofthesilver - 06-09-2018, 04:36 PM
RE: Britbong UBR - by Eeee394 - 06-09-2018, 04:50 PM

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