Ban Request For Lasse10, Stormbugz*CCL and iGlLego.
Well, first of all i just want to mention that this ban request is going to be split into two parts, the first paragraph is going to be for Lasse10 and Stormbugz*CCL, the second will be for IGlLego. I just didn't see the point in making two separate requests. Anyway...

Okay, So I Was Playing President For About An Hour, Going With Role Plays, and Helping People Out, But Then about 1 hour 15 minutes into my presidency, a Corleone Member called Lasse10 and another Corleone Member called Stormbugz*CCL started asking me to demote BrainDawg, who was, at the time, a cop, i asked them why and they said it was for numerous accounts of NLR and RDM. I then said to them that it wasnt my business, and that they should take the issue up with an admin. They Weren't Happy With My Reply, And Started Constantly Moaning On the OOC Saying Things Like "BrainDawg is Such A Fail Cop" And "Mayor Just Demote Him". Now, I Know there is nothing wrong with this, but it was constant, and i warned them one more time in OOC "Would you two stop whining? If you think he is a fail cop for NLR, go report it to an admin". After that it was quiet... Until they both decided to come up to my office and request the demote in person. So i thought to my self that i might as well see what they are saying, then tell it to Coffee or Something, and see what he could do about it. So i called BrainDawg up to my office, and once he was there, Lasse and Stormbugz started laying into him with things like "Why did you NLR", I would also like to note that this part was mostly spoken in mic, so i could not obtain any photos of the chats. So i told them to shut up, and to tell me their arguments, and Lasse and Stormbugz insisted they go first. So since i was going to give it all to an admin when one came on, i wrote it all down, which is lucky for us. Okay, so we will start with Lasse, he said "He NLR'd 5++ Times and Shot me out of his car" Then Stormbugz said pretty much the same thing, but different wording. They insisted that they had a video as well, but when me and Brain asked them to show us it as proof, they denied and said they would later. So, since they were denying to show evidence, i knew it wouldn't be fair to demote Brain, But I Still Asked Him What his Arguments Were. He started speaking on Mic, but we couldn't understand him, and Lasse asked him to type. And just as he was typing, two guys game in, and shot him in the head, tied me up, and un-cuffed the two Corleone. That is what leads me onto my next name.

So, one of the people that had barged into my office and killed BrainDawg was iGlLego, and another guy, but by the time i was killed, i couldn't remember his name I'm afraid. So, he approached me with a crowbar and i stopped him by saying "You Have A Reason Im Guessing?", Then the two Corleone started screaming down their mic's saying "Dont Kill Him Yet! He Still Has To Demote The Cop then i said "I cant demote him because you didn't show me your video and that i really shouldn't be doing this, it should be an admin in my place". Once again, they didn't like my reply. So they said "Im going to kill the president", and Lasse got out a crow bar, i asked for a reason and he said "You werent demoting the cop". Before i got the chance to reply, i was brutally beat to death by a crowbar. When i respawned, i asked in OOC to Lego and the other guy "You didn't give me a reason why you raided" And he said "Because You Werent Helping Us". Of Course, i was helping alot of people, including the two guys who thought they would kill me. Now, i do have one picture taken by me, and the rest BrainDawg took for me because i got a snapshot buffer overflow, and couldn't take any more. Now i do have to apologise for the lack of evidence, is just that most of it was spoken, and i would of taken a picture of them speaking to me so you could see that it was mic's, but i never saw the need, as i never knew i was going to be random raided in the next 30 seconds. So i really do hope you guys read my request and think about it. Thanks!

Euan Cameron
(And BrainDawg I Guess)

PICTURES! (Could Only Get The One Im Afraid!)

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Ban Request For Lasse10, Stormbugz*CCL and iGlLego. - by Ademar "High Lord" Tyrell - 01-26-2012, 09:05 PM

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