Richtea UBR
Not even going to bother with this anymore, the fact you have banned me from the discord shows the type of character you are.

Insulting you  behind your back? Mate, i flat out insulted you to your face over and over again, and you didn't have the spine to talk back, you're fully aware your judgement is wrong on this but are to stubborn to admit it. If you felt you where being insulted why not say something there and then instead of waiting for me to log out and slipping a sly ban into discord so you don't have to justify it to my face.

You are a high-authority figure on FL, however you, as a leading administrator have banned two players for following rules directly, you are unable to give me the rule that i have broken as it does not exist.

And using the excuse of "the rules need updating" has no regards to me, that is for you as a leading administrator to deal with to ensure the rules are clear and precise. It is your duty and role as an administrative figure to ensure that we as players can fully understand a rule as t is written yet you have time and time again neglected this and actually exploited it to ban people for things that even current and ex staff members do not understand.

I followed a rule that is written, and got banned for following one that isn't written, how you can justify that is beyond me.

And by your logic, which may i add is almost non existant. Anytime anyone changes their role play job to "Freedom Fighter" then they should be issued with power gaming bans as they have changed their job to help them have a better chance of winning a raid as a team with other freedom fighters, instead of solo fighting the government. Your logic is flawed, it has became heated due to your own inability to administrate a server. You claim "these players take a break and come back thinking they know it all". Down to the written rules, i do mate. Every single one, yet you appear to not? Well done on your promotion.

This is the last reply i will make on this ubr, regardless of the outcome you have lost the respect of me and a multitude of FL players, whether they will say it to you directly or not.

Many thanks.

#cant handle the heat stay out of the kitchen.
wannabe skid
[Image: J8Wdw2Z.gif]

Messages In This Thread
Richtea UBR - by Richtea - 11-14-2017, 10:47 PM
RE: Richtea UBR - by Cyclone - 11-15-2017, 12:16 AM
RE: Richtea UBR - by Richtea - 11-15-2017, 12:21 AM
RE: Richtea UBR - by Richtea - 11-15-2017, 12:46 AM
RE: Richtea UBR - by Awestruck - 11-15-2017, 03:12 AM
RE: Richtea UBR - by Richtea - 11-15-2017, 04:41 PM
RE: Richtea UBR - by Awestruck - 11-15-2017, 07:57 PM

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