Ask the person that has been ddosing fearless anything
Ah, thanks for clarifying, but this is where i back out of this conversation now. i only truly wanted to know why and im glad you answered that for me.

honestly all this makes me want to see the outcome now, from what i see fearless has its fate in its staffs hands.

good chatting with you



i agree on the bans thing, it confuses me to see someone rdm and get banned for 1 day, then someone else do it, and get banned for 1 week, but if you ask me thats from a lack of clarification. they have a guide, but i dont believe the guide has a table listing how long a ban should be for what offense and if it does it should be looked at more xD.

also players ... eh cant say nothing there humans will be human

While you may not wear my teams color, we still bear the same dogtags, for we are the underdogs.

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RE: Ask the person that has been ddosing fearless anything - by Nadrick - 01-24-2012, 02:08 AM

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