Report: [EB]Quandrum]
Name of player: [EB]Quandrum], [EB]RePlax

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:61005040, STEAM_0:1:111622772

Time in US EST : 12.35ish PM

Server: V4b1

Summary: I had a nice contra setup in the factory and someone was getting off so he pm'ed me to give me his pots, I graciously accepted and drove my transit to his house to pick them up when we got encountered by the Officer RePlax, he tased the nice guy and was rushing towards me so I blasted him into the stoneage and quickly piled up my glorious pots, said farewell and went to my factory. After this event I noticed Quandrum changed his jobs to an SRU unit then I picked on my camera feed that they were at my factory door with no warrant ( only 4 people on at the time no president ) he proceeds to blast down my door as I had no warning from what I could hear since I was far away. The reason was they were tipped off by someone, which no one visited my place so it would of been an OOC reason, they also exclaimed that I had contra and a weapon and that's why, never brandished in public and i'm certain my contra didn't go off when they were at my door although I could be wrong. From what I remember Quandrum was a BMD and I asked him if I could buy his pots, shortly after he switched to SRU unit when I blasted his friend, possibly what they ment by tipped off.

Evidence: Since i'm not on my actual computer as I am at my neighbors house steam screenshots will have to suffice otherwise i'd use puush sorry.

tornado warning for my area so i'll check this out later. thanks for reading.
[Image: 9lQ10sX.png]
updated 1/24/2020

Messages In This Thread
Report: [EB]Quandrum] - by Rozzok - 08-22-2017, 05:15 PM
RE: Report: [EB]Quandrum] - by TheSiphon - 08-23-2017, 02:57 AM
RE: Report: [EB]Quandrum] - by Yonno - 08-23-2017, 03:04 AM

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