Shipment Unban for A Minor Offence
Your name: (Shipment of Lol Cheese)

Your ban ID: (6389)

Banned by: ([FL]BlackDog[BB][SGC])

Server: (rp_EvoCity v2d)

Involved: (Tyrone Jones (Shankspeare)Friend of Mine, Tim Jones (FL:RP Justin) Another Friend of Mine

Why we should unban you: First of All this was a seriously unfair Ban for a really small reason, My Friend Justin (Tim Jones) Was driving into the BP to get a petrol fill, i was walking with my other friend Tyrone Jones, and i jokingly called Justin a ***(as a joke) the next thing you know black dog whom i didn't know was standing there, and then bans me without warning; I apologize for my Vulgar Language i shouldn't have used it in the first place; and i apologize for that, but this is a very minor offense and me and my friends and black dog were the only people around; So i don't see why this minor offense deserves a ban without warning ;the least it could use is a kick or a gag first

Messages In This Thread
Shipment Unban for A Minor Offence - by raiden6312 - 01-18-2012, 08:43 AM
RE: Shipment Unban for A Minor Offence - by Temar - 04-07-2012, 07:36 PM

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