Player report on Nazz for RDM and Teamkilling
Ok, so this guy is an actual prick, ok yes i killed him, but it was not on porpuse neither did i want to teamkill, some guy had just stolen my car wich by chance was a white bmw aswell and was speeding with it around the city trying to hit me with my own car, then unfortunately Dooz came out of nowhere and appeared in a white bmw and i started shooting because i tought it was the Car Thief, i did not realize it was him until he started saying "omg nazz you shot me down i'm gonna post a PR on you" I actually appologized and offered to refund him with toolboxes, he just kept on insisting he wanted to PR me, guess he's one of thoose, he was in a security outfit so i couldn't tell, i have evidence in Screenshots if necessary, altought i think this pr was a bit stupid. He didn't loose anything, i immediately appologized, and still he didn't give a damn even tho i offered to pay for his repairs.

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RE: Player report on Nazz for RDM and Teamkilling - by Nazagruly - 06-19-2017, 05:05 PM

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