Your name: [F.I] Agorith

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:43023747

Your ban ID: 76383

Banned by: Console

Reason: vandalized TS lobby channel

Involved: -

Why we should unban you:

Hello, Fearless.

I'd like to start off with an apology aimed towards the staff members still present during my latest outfall with FL.
I am fully aware of the annoyance I caused by the immature action I took, altering the text with a silly sentence & picture in the lobby of Teamspeak, aimed towards Awestruck.
Although led by frustration, I clearly had no valid reason to do what I did, therefore am unable to grant you a proper excuse.

Whilst I remain hopeful for another chance, I do realise I've screwed up once before and this might make it difficult for the current staff team to believe I am truly no longer here with ill intention.
To be entirely fair I've never had ill intention towards FL, rather than a few people within it.
I clearly handled it the wrong way, I could see that back then as I can see it now.

Now as to why I ask for another chance is the fact I no longer have any interest whatsoever in the gamemode of FL itself.
While this might sound odd and demotivating from my part, and you are more than likely wondering as to why I am creating this UBR in the first place, I simply state this to further clarify I have no interest whatsoever in creating beef nor hefty discussions when it comes down to FL development, staff management, or anything related.
I do however would like to join back on the forums/teamspeak for the occasional chat with old and new friends alike within the community.

I realise every case is different, so I'm not attempting to use this to my advantage, however I couldn't help but notice a few old names that have equally screwed up while still on FL have now recently been unbanned entirely.
Though I have been thinking of creating a UBR for a while, I realised there might not have been an appropriate amount of time since the accident in order for me to even get a fair chance on this UBR.
These unbans did motivate me to give it another chance.

As most of you will know, I could go on and on regarding FL topics, but I tried keeping this short and to the point.
If something is not yet clear and you might have many more questions for me, I welcome them with open arms.

Once again I'd like to apologise, specifically towards Awestruck seeing as the beef was mainly between us.

I look forward towards your reply.


Messages In This Thread
Agorith - by Spear - 06-01-2017, 01:55 PM
RE: Agorith - by Awestruck - 06-03-2017, 06:13 AM
RE: Agorith - by Pear - 06-03-2017, 05:45 PM
RE: Agorith - by Awestruck - 06-04-2017, 08:00 PM

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