Unban Rq
Your name: Richard.Burnish
Steam ID: 

Your ban ID: 76765

Staff member who banned you. [FL] Reebs

Reason: Attempted RDM
Involved: STEAM_0:0:75549816

Reason why you should be unbanned: The situation unfolded when i was working as a police officer i was doing my job, i was chasing a criminal down the tunnel and the person would not stop under orders so i fired some warning shots to get him to, i was instantly demoted for misuse of a weapon.

I returned to find the vice president was running a dictatorship commanding the arrests of people who did not break any law. so i conspired to murder the vice and another player was going to help. my reason for attempting to kill the vice pres was not random, i didnt suddenly decide to go and kill them for no reason. i had my reason and they were vulnerable it was a roleplay situation of which the admin shouldnt have got involved, the admin spoke to me and asked why i was trying to "rdm" the vice pres, i tried to explain myself fully but after typing one line of text i was banned. is it really worth a 24 hour ban for trying to kill the vice pres for a reason that was totally in game and in character. even one of the other admins said *i hope you get shanked* so why was the feeling mutual with one admin but not another.

Also they were not even in the nexus they were in public. so this wasnt a random raid or anything. 

Messages In This Thread
Unban Rq - by Richard.burnish - 04-11-2017, 01:51 AM
RE: Unban Rq - by Reebs - 04-11-2017, 02:32 AM
RE: Unban Rq - by Richard.burnish - 04-11-2017, 04:30 AM
RE: Unban Rq - by Reebs - 04-11-2017, 03:09 PM

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