Dear Community Member: The Truth about fail rp
FailRP has always been the biggest bullshit ever layed upon the rulebook.
FailRP has been used for an IMMENSE amount of things, that in the end were nowhere near being unrealistic but only convenient reasons to wip the banhammer out of our zippers.

There's not much else to say about it really, I could list an enormous amount of reasons here that I've had to ban for with reason ''FailRP'' because it was what I was used to and simply had learned trough my years of experience on Fearless.
I had thought about it more than a couple of times but just never bothered to even mention it because I thought of it of the way we handle things here.
Quite the turning a blind eye attitude I had.

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RE: Dear Community Member: The Truth about fail rp - by Agorith - 11-24-2016, 03:02 AM

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