Your name: Xtremefighter

Your SteamID: 

Your ban ID: 74293

Banned by:[FL] AwestruckBullet

Reason: FearRP | Fourth ban for the same reason

Involved: Me

Why we should unban you: I was standing in my base when suddenly alot of cops came and started shooting and stuff. As a concerend neighbour i wanted to check out what was going on so i went to a cop to ask what was going on. He got killed after he told me what was going on at this moment i was calling more cops and suddenly i got shot when there was no cop or whatsover next to me.  So i  wanted to kill the guy who shot me. Awestruck asked me what the reason was for raid. I told him i got shot and he said okay its fine to raid. When i was raiding the guy i got tranqed out of nowhere. Suddenly awestruck was tranqing me and tried to kill me with his AWP. Luckily my teammate killed him before he could finish me off. After the raid suddenly awestruck said that the raid was invalid and banned me for it. I dont understand why awestruck would tell me the raid is valid first and then ban me after i raided the guy. The second thing i dont understand is why awestruck suddenly attacks me in the back when he had no reason to.

I think the ban is invalid so thats why you should unban me.

Messages In This Thread
Unbanrequest - by Xtremefighter - 10-20-2016, 09:26 PM
RE: Unbanrequest - by Awestruck - 10-20-2016, 09:43 PM
RE: Unbanrequest - by Xtremefighter - 10-20-2016, 09:47 PM
RE: Unbanrequest - by Xtremefighter - 10-20-2016, 09:51 PM
RE: Unbanrequest - by Awestruck - 10-20-2016, 10:12 PM

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