i cant find a subjec here just read it :D
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Hello this is nugget as jason statham in server.. i want to ask something :
me and 5 of my friends went to the server there was only us.we all become policeman and make a paintball place so we can play with each other and have fun. so every single person in the server is agreed the paintball tournament we played like team deathmach 1vs4 rifle vs pistol attack defend and thing while we were playing a donator has joined and we said : want to join us ? its really fun.. then he said : i dont wanna get banned i will ban request you guys .. so what the hell ? what did we do wrong ? we were having fun, is it wrong?? are we gonna get banned for this rly ?Skeptical(englsh is bad sorry Thinking)

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i cant find a subjec here just read it :D - by TheBraveNugget - 12-08-2011, 09:06 PM

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