[Unofficial] [Hiring] [Pas/Agg] Waite Enterprises
In character information.
Full name: Sam Cup
Nickname(s): Coffee
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Full Address: 3345 Waterfront road
Background Story: Sam was born is Essex in England, so he was surrounded by chavs and orange people, Sam never really fitted in and was always bullied. Being bullied and the fact both his parents died in a car crash when he was 10 made him stronger on the inside. He made it through high school with a BETEC in engineering and an A in physics. He subjects were all he had and all he loved. Without friends or a social life he was always revise and grew extremely intelligent. Whilst he was still at school he read about a city called EvoCity in America, living with his grandparents he had never been on holiday, and he dreamed of moving there someday. At the age of 20 Sam saved up enough money for a one way ticket to EvoCity International Airport. He was sad he was leaving his grandparents behind but was excited for his future.
Role you are applying for: [b]Financial District[/b]
Do you have any previous experience in this role: I have experience working in a bank and have good maths skills
Why should we accept you: Because i am a very hard worker, perform well in a team and have the ability to work under pressure.
What can you provide to Waite Enterprises:
Anything other information: I can sometimes be annoying but once you get to know me we will get on fine.

Out of Character information:
Steam name: [FL:RP] Coffee
Steam Community Page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/coffee1
Hours: >520
Age (We won’t hold this against you ever and will not be noted in application reviewing): 14
Bans: 2
Blacklists: 16
Time zone: gmt+1
How active are you on the server? [1-10]: 9
How active are you on the forums?[1-10]: 9
Any other information: n/a

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Unofficial] [Hiring] [Pas/Agg] Waite Enterprises - by Coffee - 07-04-2016, 04:01 PM

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