2 people
Name of player: (Who you want to be banned?)

Zymbia da hobo

SteamID: (What is the SteamID of the person?)
Zymbia - STEAM_0:1:33200912
Kap - STEAM_0:1:25875511

Time in GMT: (When did it happen?)
aprox 12:00 GMT + 0 England

Server: (On which of our servers did it happen? rp_EvoCity v2d or v33x?)
Server ONE v2d

Summary: (What happened?)
Well Shadow called for back at slums as he was getting shot at randomly, so as SS i provided his backup, we entered the house and well its perfect to get shot at, loads of little gaps that they shot at us through. then the metal we could not shoot at them cause they can shoot from aboce and through gaps of the metal as seen in the video. i was asking for a warrant as i lost both shadow and my other cop then i got shot at through one of the gaps

Evidence: (Try to get as much evidence you can get)

Got to direct download the vid as its not displaying properly on youtube etc

Video uploaded : http://youtu.be/DzPMODPybFs

[Image: headster-fade-1.gif]
Server Hours: 450
RP Points: 9

Messages In This Thread
2 people - by Headster - 11-27-2011, 12:23 PM
RE: 2 people - by Headster - 11-27-2011, 02:52 PM
RE: 2 people - by Nudelholz - 11-28-2011, 09:12 AM
RE: 2 people - by Headster - 11-28-2011, 03:27 PM
RE: 2 people - by Headster - 11-28-2011, 04:30 PM
RE: 2 people - by Pechvarry - 12-02-2011, 04:20 PM

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