[Unofficial] [Pas/Agg] [Recruiting] Imperium
OOC Information

Steam Name: Tekno

SteamID: [b]STEAM_0:1:52367233[/b]

Number of Hours: 313 hours

Do you have a working mic? Yes

Do you speak fluent English? Yes

RP Points: 1

Number of Bans: 4

Timezone (preferably in GMT): GMT +1

How active would you consider yourself in-game? (1-10): 8

How active would you consider yourself on the forums?(1-10): 4

IC Information

First Name: Paul

Last Name: Escobar 

Age: 34

Any previous clans? If so, list what: Red Devils, Thieves Guild. Both clans stopped existing

Why do you want to join Imperium? All my friend are joining this clan, and I like the clan and owner

Give me some background on your Character: Paul was a inocent citizen and wanted to stay that way. Untill someone killed his wife and one of his 2 children, Then a switch jumped over, and he killed 6 man to get revenge. He got cought and went to jail for 10 long years. When he came out he didn't regret anything of what he did, and he would defend his family again if he got the chance.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Unofficial] [Pas/Agg] Imperium - by Falc - 05-05-2016, 11:38 PM
RE: [Unofficial] [Pas/Agg] Imperium - by Reebs - 05-06-2016, 12:26 AM
RE: [Unofficial] [Pas/Agg] Imperium - by Rudy - 05-06-2016, 01:07 AM
RE: [Unofficial] [Pas/Agg] [Recruiting] Imperium - by Tekno - 05-07-2016, 11:24 PM
RE: [Unofficial] [Pas/Agg] [Recruiting] Imperium - by User 19014 - 06-05-2016, 03:29 PM

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