Report: [FL:RP] Avalon
(05-03-2016, 09:50 PM)DreeBott Wrote:
(05-03-2016, 09:42 PM)Avalon Wrote: I wanted to report this person for breaking the server rules and I thought I had proof of it until Fraps made the .avi file corrupt and my proof was "erased", hence the message "Forum will decide".
He decided to take his revenge like this.
I have no idea why he posted the picture's above, I guess just simply to defend himself and try to make him look like a good player in others eyes but anyone who can think logically and connect the wires will see who is right here and who is not in terms of behavior. Yes I might be wrong about picture #1, I should of have checked the prop before using it but I always thought public probs are all abiding by server rules, apparently not. Like I said picture #2 I wasn't even aware people can spawn inside props, like I said I thought they spawn near my prop.
Calling me hostile is a bit ridiculous, considering you are trying to make me look the wolf here and you like the sheep. It's not working so well though because I like to defend my case.

"Everyone who can connect the wires"

This is getting way more funnier then i expected it to be.

Long story short:
I arrested you, you got mad, making a "BR" (but your proove sadly got "removed"
I PM'd you asking when you will post it since you told me to instantly reply.
Then you got annoyed and asked how to block someone.
Then i stopped PM'ing you since your behavior was Childish.
Then when i made the BR you PM'd me saying that you didn't know that citizen spawn there.
I said get lost because you annoyed me (like I said before)
And i blocked you since you clearly never blocked me.

End of Story.

But as said, if you think i broke any server rule do a BR on your own, we're not getting anywhere if you keep saying that my "real" self is Hostile or some bullshit

You arrested me for no reason.
You got inside the customers area, pretending to be a customer, after locking the customer area you started yelling OPEN.
I open as soon as you ask me to figuring you are not a customer and you arrest me, even after roleplaying that the gate at the customer area opens/closes automatically with a timer.
If my .avi file didn't become corrupted, I would of posted this like I promised to you.
My behavior was not childish, I actually asked you about 5 times to stop PM'ing me.
Notice here, this is HIS screenshot and even here I asked twice to stop PM'ing me. ( )
I actually asked more than twice like I said, but don't have screenshots of this. I was literally asking the entire time "Please stop PM'ing me" and he kept replying and replying in an attempt to piss me off.
After you NOT stopping to PM me when you clearly know I am getting annoyed by it (like you said yourself) I asked in OOC how to block someone from PM'ing me.
I got told you can't (got misinformed), so I didn't block you.
And no, I did not PM you to get a reply "get lost".
You sent this message to me out of the blue because you had the feeling you won (this player report) and then following with the message "The forum will decide - your words" hinting me to check the forum (and then I see this, what a surprise!).
Listen, your "Mr. Nice Guy" card isn't working really well and saying "This is getting way more funnier" is definitely not going to like, make you look nice like you try to be in public. The people who read this thread will see how you speak with people in PMs (1 on 1) when you cannot control yourself. For example, his message "get lost" obviously was sent the second he couldn't control himself - he wanted to provocate me like this right after creating this thread, probably forgetting I might be smart enough to screenshot the message. Unfortunately for you I did screenshot it.

Messages In This Thread
Report: [FL:RP] Avalon - by DreeBott - 05-03-2016, 08:50 PM
RE: Report: [FL:RP] Avalon - by Avalon - 05-03-2016, 08:51 PM
RE: Report: [FL:RP] Avalon - by DreeBott - 05-03-2016, 08:54 PM
RE: Report: [FL:RP] Avalon - by Avalon - 05-03-2016, 09:06 PM
RE: Report: [FL:RP] Avalon - by DreeBott - 05-03-2016, 09:18 PM
RE: Report: [FL:RP] Avalon - by Avalon - 05-03-2016, 09:26 PM
RE: Report: [FL:RP] Avalon - by DreeBott - 05-03-2016, 09:36 PM
RE: Report: [FL:RP] Avalon - by Avalon - 05-03-2016, 09:42 PM
RE: Report: [FL:RP] Avalon - by DreeBott - 05-03-2016, 09:50 PM
RE: Report: [FL:RP] Avalon - by Avalon - 05-03-2016, 09:58 PM
RE: Report: [FL:RP] Avalon - by DreeBott - 05-04-2016, 12:00 PM
RE: Report: [FL:RP] Avalon - by Awestruck - 05-04-2016, 06:57 AM
RE: Report: [FL:RP] Avalon - by DreeBott - 05-04-2016, 12:23 PM
RE: Report: [FL:RP] Avalon - by Avgar - 05-04-2016, 02:05 PM

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