Changing The Old, Outdated Server Loading Screen
Description:  Title says all, pretty much!

 Why:  I think that we should change the current loading screen because the current one feels a bit outdated (for example, shows the old police uniform, driver outside his BMW when given a ticket - very unrealistic, etc), displays limited facts about the gamemode and has a weird font. ( No offence to the creator of the current screen) Now you might say " - This is going to take alot of time and is not so important/neccesary,        -Support."
But hear me out. 

1. Its easy and fast to make a new loading screen. Made this loading screen in about an hour and a half. Already Posted on Off Topic:

[Image: n5o1Odqh.jpg%5D]
[Image: Kz9mMTn.jpg%5D]
[Image: bVV41Be.jpg]

As you can see I added back the "Did you know... Tab" which for some reason was not added in the current one. (Very helpful, according to me)

2. A new Loading Screen will attract new members, as studies have shown that the first few seconds is crucial to determine if a person likes something or not. (In out case, our servers)

(Also, maybe some music?)

Thats all basically!
[Image: 0TR6fBz.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Changing The Old, Outdated Server Loading Screen - by Insert - 04-12-2016, 10:46 PM
RE: Changing The Old, Outdated Server Loading Screen - by User 12049 - 04-13-2016, 03:03 PM
RE: Changing The Old, Outdated Server Loading Screen - by User 12049 - 04-13-2016, 03:06 PM

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