[Unofficial] [Hiring] [Pas/Agg] Waite Enterprises
In character information.
Full name: Phil O'Neill
Phone number:070985325
Information about yourself:I am a white man in my best years. I have worked my whole life with Security
Role you are applying for: Security Team Supervisor (I know that this is not a Role you can really apply for but since i have such knollage of this area , and my dear friend James Ashford is a Senior member , I thought that i would fit for thiis job really well!
Why should we accept you:Becuse is have much experience with security and becuse i have previusly worked with for examples: Las Vegas Private Security , G4S Securty , Securitas AB , AlliedBarton Security , Dyn Corp , ICTS Europe , Corps Security

Out of Character information:
Steam name:Sinclare
Age (We won’t hold this against you ever and will not be noted in application reviewing):14 (Two weeks 15)
Time zone:GMT+1 (Stockhom, Sweden)
How active are you on the server? [1-10]:6
How active are you on the forums?[1-10]:9

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Unofficial] [Pas/Agg] Waite Enterprises - by Sinclare - 03-17-2016, 08:47 PM

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