[Unofficial] YoungOGz [YG]
[Image: yCZ1wEu.png]
Young OGz

Yo, I guess this is first time you hear about us, but this is not last. We are the YoungOGz created in 12th of March, 2016 in the Fearless state. Why did we create this gang? We created this gang because of our hatred towards cops and other gangs that think that they are somewhat special than us. So if you feel the same hate, join us today!
[Image: wSEs9LN.png]

Founders: Tomukas, BigBadWolf
Leaders: N/A
Founded at: 12/03/2016
Color that signifies us: Black

[Image: wSEs9LN.png]
[Image: Niynx7U.png]
All the media goes to this section here!

[Image: wSEs9LN.png]
[Image: G8iVMvl.png]

Triple OGs:
* Tomukas(Omar Johnson)
* BigBadWolf(Andre Romelle)

* None

* None

Big Homies:
* None

* None

Royal Thug:
* None

* None

* None


*RappyRaccoon(Moore Kellogg)
*robe1025(Roberto Monsted)

[Image: wSEs9LN.png]

1) Respect all your group members.
2) Respect all FearlessRP rules.
3) Always try and RP every situation.
4) Doesn't matter high or low ranked, respect them.
5) Never work as a cop.
6) Never lie.
7) Respect all of these rules.
8) Don't forget to have fun! 

[Image: wSEs9LN.png]
[Image: 05Dv50g.png]

- Ability to speak English.
- Having at least 5 hours in-game.
- Having a forum account(obviously)
Tips for a nice application:
- Try and not to use smileys, if you do it will make you look immature.
- Use proper English, it will only be better for you.
-Make sure you are honest.
-Don't be shy.

Application format:

OOC(Out-Of-Character) Information
Your real name: 
How old are you: 
Tell us something about yourself(At least 50 words): 
Your English skills(?/10): 
Steam name: 
IC(In-Character) Information
Your character's name: 
Your character's story(At least 60 words): 
Where did your character originate from: 
Why does your character want to join YoungOGz: 
Why should we pick you over the other applicants: 
Do you meet the requirements: 
Do you agree that if you don't meet the requirements and you are lying then we will deny your application: 

Messages In This Thread
[Unofficial] YoungOGz [YG] - by Belov - 03-13-2016, 04:18 PM
RE: [Unofficial] YoungOGz [YG] - by mgdwszx - 03-13-2016, 04:20 PM
RE: [Unofficial] YoungOGz [YG] - by Belov - 03-13-2016, 04:28 PM
RE: [Unofficial] YoungOGz [YG] - by Ivan Tempski - 03-13-2016, 04:37 PM
RE: [Unofficial] YoungOGz [YG] - by Belov - 03-13-2016, 04:45 PM
RE: [Unofficial] YoungOGz [YG] - by R0bert0 - 03-15-2016, 07:45 AM
RE: [Unofficial] YoungOGz [YG] - by Jonas - 03-15-2016, 08:11 AM
RE: [Unofficial] YoungOGz [YG] - by DVN - 03-15-2016, 09:39 AM
RE: [Unofficial] YoungOGz [YG] - by Random - 03-15-2016, 01:41 PM
RE: [Unofficial] YoungOGz [YG] - by Belov - 03-15-2016, 04:45 PM
RE: [Unofficial] YoungOGz [YG] - by Belov - 03-16-2016, 07:22 PM
RE: [Unofficial] YoungOGz [YG] - by R0bert0 - 03-17-2016, 12:59 PM
RE: [Unofficial] YoungOGz [YG] - by DVN - 03-17-2016, 01:02 PM
RE: [Unofficial] YoungOGz [YG] - by Belov - 03-17-2016, 04:18 PM
RE: [Unofficial] YoungOGz [YG] - by General Weed - 03-17-2016, 05:14 PM
RE: [Unofficial] YoungOGz [YG] - by Belov - 03-17-2016, 05:30 PM
RE: [Unofficial] YoungOGz [YG] - by Belov - 03-22-2016, 03:58 PM

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