Staff Report - Player Disrespect Falcao
Involved. Bringing vital information regarding the situation.

Hello Clementino and Internet.

One question i'd like to ask both of you, is why you think this is player disrespect? I am asking mainly Clementio  this question mainly because as shown my the link below, Clementio said to Suarez in OOC 'lol Suarez get a life' and the player report was denied because it wasn't player disrespect. You even commented on the case Clementio so it's not like you didn't know the case was there. (Last screenshot provided shows Clementino 'insulting' Suarez.)

I just want to say, this was the first case that popped up on my search bar when looking for similar cases, just found it quite ironic it was on yourself.

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RE: Staff Report - Player Disrespect Falcao - by User 12049 - 02-21-2016, 09:20 AM

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