Unblacklist cop and commander job
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I was Blacklisted for bribing the admin which was true but i wanted my job back because the admin Faustie told me i was randomly tasing people which i wasn't. the first person i tazed he broke into the nexus gargage and i tased him and handcuffed him and i did with another guy as well because the rebel hit me so i tased him and handcuffed him. That's what happened i would appreciate it if i would get unblack listed from police and police commander. Thank you. My steam name is The Janitor or in the server John richards. My id is either this:STEAM_0:1:43856488 or this one:STEAM_0:0:19085032. I posted these two because there's two The Janitor's.

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Unblacklist cop and commander job - by The Janitor - 10-30-2011, 12:25 AM

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