Got banned, can't understand why, read my point of view.
Your name: thekalk|SilentAnger|[GER]

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:49391765

Your ban ID: 69578

Banned by: [FL:M] Spear
Reason: BRA (68499) - Breaking FearRP and NLR

Involved:Marvin L.,OPGinger, I cant remember anymore tbh I didnt had the chance to see the name tags

Why we should unban you:

Ok firstly I dont want to be a douche but this ban is just ridiculous for the following reasons:

I didn't kill anyone/I hadn't the intention to do it.
(cause i didnt equip a weapon for ex.)

I got no warnings before I got banned I was just banned.

Ban lenght is ridiculous for what I did.

So what did I do you may ask. So let me tell you the story from my point of view:

I was just chilling with my friends in a House that we bought (or the doors if you want it so)

Making some Money you know, the thing you do in this game. Then 2 Criminals came in and said that 'they want to buy ammo and food'. Me as a Weapon Dealer and my friend OPGinger as a cook we said 'ok come in what do you want to buy?' And just suddenly without any warnings they shot us. Completly random. The funny thing is that they just disregarded 2 laws and get away with it and I get banned because I got to the NLR zone for the admin to look cause I wrote a ticket. The even funnier thing was that i was taken hostage in this zone AS A WEAPON DEALER in this area and I COULDNT move any where else. And we cant speak of a revenge kill here because they just went away and i didnt run after them.

That was the story pretty much tbh I am really in Anger because I only made a single mistake wich is not even really valid because i was taken hostage and the kill was against the rules because a BDM killed me as a BDM!(At least an Admin told me yesterday)

I hope for a Quick solution for this problem.

Just try to be nice. I don't want to attack you personally . You don't have to proof anything. It's just the Internet.
[Image: tumblr_n4b2hbIVAl1r7l27do1_500.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Got banned, can't understand why, read my point of view. - by thekalk - 02-03-2016, 06:52 PM

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