What if you kids stopped crying and did something about it.
Thought I was done, but I wasn't. Here comes a few life lessons for you so you know why I have this position against you.

Real life: I was at one point in time homeless. I ate what I could, sometimes I could crash at a friends house. I was fired from my job because I talked to someone from another business. Owner tried to say I stole money or some shit and fired me. I eventually figured out that the only way I could get out of it is if I did something. Hooked up with some friends to watch out for me till I could get into the army. Best thing for me at that point in time. Not best for everyone, but you have to decide "Do I want to live my life homeless hoping someone comes and saves me" or "Do I want to put my life on the line, take a chance, and improve my situation as a whole."

Fearless RP: I was pretty much by myself. I didn't come to gmod with friends. This community populates about 90% of my friends list. The few friends I met on FL started getting permed. Eventually I couldn't take being alone. I had been following a man named Enzyme at the time. He was a nobody (not clanned, not staff) at the time, but he had people like Ludo, Infernaw, Grub, and some other long forgotten people to keep him company. Ruxandra was basically exactly as bad as you guys claim SAA to be. She used to ban people for a week, for moving a step under gunpoint. Used to think she would ban me if I killed her. Watching Enzyme and his friends, they showed me that I didn't have to fear her, that it was about staying within the rules. One day, Ruxandra was raiding me and Carnage, with her 6-7 government dogs, like 5 cops and 2 SRU. We were panicked, we though we were totally going to be banned if we resisted. We started to build while she was getting the warrant. She flew in, told us not to do it, removed the props we added, and went back out. Carnage called the Don, as we paid him protection, and prepped for our ban. We refused to be bullied. Between Carnage and I, the don, we cut them to ribbons, and even survived the getaway. Called her a stupid vagina when we killed her too. You know what happened to us? She finally gave us some respect, told us she was happy we stopped being pussies and just threw down with her. Carnage faded into the void, I was alone, Enzyme recently joined SAA, I saw what they were really about, and joined.

Later on I was redacted and removed from SAA after some disputes and some poor choices by both myself and parts of the SAA. I've been on the outside of that ever since and basically am barred from returning. All I can do is watch as they struggle, because at one point in time, I didn't help them when I should have. Like a brother would have.

I have helped the staff, fought with the staff, same to the community, the rules, the courthouse cases. Most of you know my rep for being a dick, child, awesome dude, real person, scumbag, whatever. I don't care, but one thing everyone knows is that I call out bullshit. So seriously, there are so many of you, complaining about the same things. I know like 19 people who think RP is dead but are working on it or trying at least. 19 out of over 200 people I've seen complain about RP being shit. I've seen 0 out of the 50ish people I know that hate SAA, forming and taking them to war. They have an active roster of like 10-12 people, some of those names are stale but remain because that's how clans are, you don't kick longstanding members for having school and shit. Just saying 12, we'll say they pull their full like 25-30. You have 50. If you can't win that, then obviously SAA deserves to remain. Seen a ton of you claiming staff bias. I've seen like 1 maybe 2 out of hundreds of complaints, that had any evidence that held weight. A lot of it tends to be that you hear someone else bitch, like them, they convince you, and then YOU bitch. I've asked almost everyone complaining about staff bias recently, to show me anything that backs up the claim, to tell me in detail an event even without evidence. 1-2 complaints out of all of them have anything serious to them, and serious is a tall tale. Stuff like hey, you can be a dick and you should improve, to one case where it looked like bias. Hell, the one that really annoys me is when you guys complain about staff bias, and have the owner trying to bail you out all the time. How in whatever god you believe in's name is it considered bias, if you were wrong and the owner comes in and makes excuses for you. If anything, I'd say that the bias was in that person's favor and it's pretty justified to have the staff upset with your situation. At that point you represent an exemption to the rules and policy that every other member, staff included, are held to. And even worse, people support that, and say the staff are the bad guys? Are you not paying attention that the rules don't apply to the person you are defending? Are you aware that the same protection won't be given to you just because you support it?

I hate Ryan!, because he was protected by a staff member, even though he had broke blatant rules, been permed about 2-3 times, and somehow he always came back. You're talking a truckload of bans, from fail rp to prop/tool related offenses. I'm the bad guy because I give him shit every single chance I get, because I was one of those staff members who would have to deal with him, only to get overruled by a someone or something else. Trust me when I say, staff members do not need to "stalk" you. They really just are magnets to rule violations. Most the time, one of those dudes claiming bias, is actually getting snitched out by his good "friend" right next to him, and they don't even know it. Happened to Ryan more than ones, happened to Narc's lil bro too. They do it because either they are tired of that person, or they want to try to get the staff member in trouble for "stalking and bias" and full know that their friend is protected. That even a perm won't stick.

Seriously, you kids need to just stop talking, get froggy, and leap at what your after. Take it head on. Even if you lose, everyone will at least respect that you tried, that you weren't afraid. If it's really as bad as you claim, it'll show, and it always will work out, but that won't happen if you don't take the first step and keep moving thereafter.

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RE: What if you kids stopped crying and did something about it. - by Old Man Jokhah - 01-15-2016, 09:39 PM

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