Ask Old Man Jokhah
I think that passive RP was temporarily boosted by the introduction of teachers. Ultimately, however, the ability to have teachers handing out points brings into question the value of some of the points. Favoritism has always been an issue here. People love to accuse the staff, however if you look at the average community member, it's no different. I have seen low hour players rolling around with nearly as many if not more points than I managed to collect. Then again when you look at the "generation" I started in, points were scarce so having even 5 was a big deal.

Then you take a look at some of the tool changes, I saw some people with lights again. So those little enhancements used to be used by old players for all sorts of things, however with the overall increase in aggressive and even rule breaking behavior, passive rp really has hit a decline. Not just in the sense that aggressive people ruin it either, but that the quality of passive roleplay in the average passive rp setting is usually pretty low quality. Some try to sell props, others sell food with a /me or two, but it feels lifeless most the time. Now sure some of that could be me and how I see things between then and now, but it's almost like some people pull bare minimum to look like they are good and maybe net a point.

Then you also have the average point giver not noticing sections of players at a time. This teacher tends to monitor for shops and stuff, that one for low hour players trying to give them an incentive point, and the like. Few of them look at the high hour players and decide they should get a point, because we are high hour players with a few points already, this is what people feel our standard should be. Basically, it feels to me like because I have high hours, because I was former staff, I'm held to a much higher standard before I'm considered for a point, and if someone manages to hit the mark that hard, most people are too starstruck to remember to consider it. I know I'm not the only one who has over 1500 hours that feels similar. With that knowledge, and knowing that I come from an aggressive rp background, I usually feel much less inclined to host a passive rp. It's not because I have to work hard, it's because the bar is set a bit to high for me. I lack some of the skills that I apparently should know. I take it with a grain of salt though, because I know that if I had gotten to point 15 before, I'd have been banned for aggressive behavior with the tommy gun, so it's not all bad.

With all the rule changes, staff changes, community changes, the release of all bans to include the uber minges the old staff worked hard to protect you from being released, with uber minges managing to beat a UBR because people are fooled or have forgotten, passive rp is nearly dead as it is. Then you pile on that you can be banned for defending yourself from aggressive players if you take actions as a passive one, it's a recipe for disaster. It's almost like the message that Fearless RP is trying to send is that they no longer care about passive roleplay, that aggressive roleplay is the way to go, and if you don't like it you can leave. It's shitty that I had to say that, gonna be a tough pill for some to swallow, but it's pretty near if not dead on point.

If you are interested in a more indepth review of the wounds roleplay has taken as a whole and see some of the ideas of how to fix it, I recommend you go to my other discussion titled Fearless Roleplay. It's presently a brainstorm that I started and it's largely made up of information from other community members. It's an attempt to help return life to roleplay.

Additionally, while we're on the subject, people have forgotten what roleplay is. There is no passive or aggressive when it comes to roleplay. Passive generally means you don't equip weapons, make cool things with props, create things like shows, what have you. Aggressive generally means you equip weapons and at some point or another you intend to use them for one means or another to harm or prevent harm. There is nothing truly roleplay about either. All the context means is guns or no guns. An aggressive player has just as much of an obligation to roleplay as a passive one.

Example: Aggressive player walks up and demands money or die, starts counting down, doesn't get money in time, kills. Is not roleplay. It's just a dude rolling up, making a speed demand, he gets money or kills you, either way he wins.

Example: Aggressive player walks up, demands money, passive refuses, aggressive demands again with fear rp, passive doesn't pay, aggressive takes passive hostage, takes him back to base, starts torturing him for his money or the name of a friend to get the money from, they give man phone, calls, you get it. That's roleplay.

Roleplay isn't ever a speed event. It's not going in there and quick, bang bang bang. Even raiding can be roleplayed. Rally the group, make a plan, scout, blitz, get to the target. Example begins here.

Most commonly, raiders just blast everyone in sight and it's over. Not really roleplay.

Example: Take out or stand down all defending players, hostage quickly and herd them up. Front man for the raid starts saying his piece to the target, that lil speech badguys sometimes give. They go back and forth. Either the raiders wait for the response team, not to promote aggressive rp but purely to give them a shot to get their man back or even for witnesses of the execution. Or they kill him, the remaining hostages will be used to secure an escape.

Then you have the flip side. Passive players don't always react in a roleplaying fashion when encountering a mingey aggressive player. A rule I held myself to for a bit now is "Shit happens, roll with it." What that means is, sometimes a newer aggressive player comes up and breaks the rules trying to do what he wants to do. Maybe he ass pulled a gun, maybe he had no reason to do what he's doing. Instead of screaming about it, try rolling with it. Just let him try to do what he's doing, maybe let him know that he shouldn't have done it the right way, but support his right to do it at least, tell him how to do it right. Now obviously prop minges and whatnot, no. But those lil 1-3 hours kids are so used to dark rp, it's almost wrong to slap them too hard for not understanding the small differences. The code is different, the menus, stuff like that, but if you can play one, you can get by in the other. The curve isn't like from here to HL2RP or even that STALKER RP, where if you don't /me breathing you will get banned forever.

Back to the point though, passive rp is in bad shape right now. Not just because it's rare, but because the general quality of it is low, the players taking part aren't usually all that dedicated to it it seems, and the overall lack of knowledge not being passed down to this generation is shameful. We have metaphorically set them up for failure as a community and we need to confront and overcome that issue before it will change.

Hope I was useful, my mind shifted gears in there so I might have gone off topic.
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