[Unofficial] The Syndicate [RECRUITING] [Professional RP]
Steam name: R~F | Nitram

Character name:
Gusten Kamelont

Hours played (
BELOW 100 will not be accepted): 108 hours

Role-Play Points (RPP): 0

Do you have a working microphone and TeamSpeak? (required to join):
Yep, I've got both.

Age (we will not hold this against you):

Last clan and why you left:
Federal Bureau of Investigation. I left because there were very few active members and almost never anyone online at the same time as me.

Preferred RP (passive/aggressive) and why:
Mostly aggressive, it's usually more interesting and varying. But there are some times when I enjoy passive RP too, like running a store or being a scientist, for example.

What your ideal job role would be within our organisation (you may suggest a new one):
I'd prefer to work out in the field, eliminating threats, protecting important clients, gathering intelligence, etc.

Why you would be suited for this specific role:
I have combat experience and I'm very good at getting out of tricky situations, I've escaped the police many times after committing a crime.

What could you bring to The Syndicate:
A loyal and fun guy who would contribute to keeping the RP interesting.

Are you able to type using correct spelling and grammar?:
Yeah, english is not my first language but I rarely misspell any words.

Have you read the rules of Fearless? (We will report & kick members who break them):
Yep, several times.

What is your interpretation of 'respect for authority':
Obeying those with higher rank without whining, even when it's something I don't want to do.

Availability (weeknights, weekends etc):
I can play all weekends and most weekdays in the late afternoon.

Please tell us what you would do in the following scenario: You are appointed a role of diplomatic protection, this means that your job is to solely protect The Director & The President. During your duties, an unforeseen event occured and The Director is held at gun point by a criminal gang member just down the road from The Syndicates head office. You are the only guard present standing behind The Director - how would you handle the situation? (please think outside the box, this is to test your roleplay and quick thinking)

Answer: My goal would of course be to protect the Director no matter what. I would try to trick the gang member and divert his attention from the Director by shouting at his nonexistent companion to lay down. This would confuse the criminal and make him look for whoever's on his side. Then I could get between him and the Director and now that the Director is safe, I could calmly point my weapon at him and command him to lay down while I call reinforcments. If he wouldn't comply I'd have to use lethal force, or at least incapacitate him.
If you want to win, you mustn't lose
Rambo Amadeus

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RE: [Unofficial] The Syndicate [RECRUITING] [Professional RP] - by Nitram - 12-21-2015, 07:30 PM

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