[Unofficial] The Syndicate [RECRUITING] [Professional RP]
Steam name: [FL:RP] Bootypopers
Character name: Isaac Clarke

Hours played: Over 270

Do you have a working microphone and TeamSpeak? (required to join): Yes

Age (we will not hold this against you): 14

Last clan and why you left: MI6 this was not a very structured clan or Professional RP

Preferred RP (passive/aggressive) and why: A mix of both i like to help people i like to fight some times im a mix

What your ideal job role would be (you may suggest a new one): A Guard but important role but not to high up i like to
have a gun on me most of the time unless im required in a passive rp (Lets use fall out as an example vaults have guards right to keep the peace and to keep people in order but help some at the same time like that)

Why you would be suited for this specific role: Because i get a kick out of it I like it and i can be good at it over all I just enjoy this.

What could you bring to The Syndicate: A loyal to the end member a trust worthy person
Are you able to type using correct spelling and grammar?: yeah but some times i quick type and mess up Punctuation is a memory issue with me but i can put my mind to it and insert it into my text so no it should not be an issue.

Have you read the rules of Fearless? (We will report & kick members who break them): yes indeed I have I now rarely brake rules but if i do it will not be major i struggle with my memory but you should not have any trouble with me in that department.

What is your interpretation of 'respect for authority': Do what your told by a high ranking member than you but still respect lower ranks no abuse of power at all how ever dont be pushed around by the lowers

Availability (weeknights, weekends etc): All of the time besides Monday Tuesday - Friday during 8 Am to 4:20 pm or 3:25 pm

Please tell us what you would do in the following scenario:

You are a member of Syndicate Security, posted to the lobby and your aim is to keep the staff safe and keep the lobby controlled. An intoxicated citizen enters the lobby and begins shouting at the receptionist about how he has a meeting with the Director and refuses to leave until he gets his meeting.

What would be your approach to this situation?
I will again ask him to leave nicely if he will not ill try again a little more aggressive ill give the man a short time limit to reply if he will not leave I will then take aim and shout at him to leave if he will still not corporate i will tie him up and radio in for instructions to remove him from the building or bring him up for a talk.....

(Referred and inspired to join by Lt.Blackcoat as I Roleplay with him a lot I done a hacker rp with him the night I filled this App out)

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RE: [Unofficial] The Syndicate [RECRUITING] [Professional RP] - by Diomede - 11-22-2015, 05:30 PM

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