Random perma ban for alt accounting
Our system will only show accounts that have been linked to you and have played on Fearless. Ones that have not played on Fearless are not accounted for. Please provide proof of when the video was created by right clicking on the file pressing properties at the bottom of the menu, then screenshot the properties menu that does pop up and post it in a reply here. I must remind you any attempt to fabricate or tamper with evidence will result in a permanent suspension.

[FL:M] Suarez
Fearless Moderator

Messages In This Thread
Random perma ban for alt accounting - by Astari - 10-30-2015, 07:55 PM
RE: Random perma ban for alt accounting - by Tomo - 10-30-2015, 10:44 PM
RE: Random perma ban for alt accounting - by Suarez - 10-31-2015, 11:02 AM
RE: Random perma ban for alt accounting - by Grub - 11-03-2015, 05:17 PM

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