[Unofficial] The Syndicate [RECRUITING] [Professional RP]
Steam name: Frank

Character name: Frank "Dallas" Sciberras

Hours played: 386

Last clan and why you left: Didn't ever apply for one, used to get killed and betrayed a lot.

Preferred RP (passive/aggressive) and why: Passive and aggressive, I enjoy both RP aslong as it is really good RP

What your ideal job role would be (you may suggest a new one): Operative or the board operative if that's okay.

Why you would be suited for this specific role: Because I love going on missions, I like both jobs

What could you bring to The Syndicate: I could bring honor, and respect. I don't know much about money, as I don't have much I only have a mustang, and some money

Are you able to type using correct spelling and grammar?: Yes

Have you read the rules of Fearless? (We will report & kick members who break them): Yes

What is your interpretation of 'respect for authority': It is respect, as for example if you ask me to do something, I do it by heart. And authority means like someone higher than me

Availability (weeknights, weekends etc): Everyday, I make about 5-6 hours a day! Smile

Please tell us what you would do in the following scenario (this will change weekly):

You are a member of Syndicate Security, posted to the lobby and your aim is to keep the staff safe and keep the lobby controlled. An intoxicated citizen enters the lobby and begins shouting at the receptionist about how he has a meeting with the Director and refuses to leave until he gets his meeting.

What would be your approach to this situation?

I would step in, and tell him to calm down. I will tell him to sit down then I will ask him to tell me what had happened. If he refuses to do so, I will escort him out as he is disturbing public. I will try my best not to start arguments and fights and take is carefully.

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RE: [Unofficial] The Syndicate [RECRUITING] [Professional RP] - by Cpt.Frank - 10-19-2015, 04:16 PM

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