Report: bo2atps3 & [FL:RP]Rastafari
Name of player

bo2atps3             STEAM_0:0:110860717
[FL:RP]Rastafari STEAM_0:0:86954879

Time in GMT:
13.09.2015 17:00 - 17:30


The whole situation started with people raiding me over and over again. After a few times i placed two cameras at my house to see if someone comes in while im away. And it worked. I saw two people breaking into my house again, so i instanlty drove there, to kill them. When i arrived, i saw a fire in my house, which means they used a molotov. I used a MP5 to kill them both. I barely survived with 8% health. But then a paramedic came in, healing me and saying that he heared gunshots and wanted to help injured people.  Because there was a fire, i called the government to put it out. When i walked to the main road, i saw  bo2atps3 & [FL:RP]Rastafari, who were killed by me 2 minutes ago, coming closer again, breaking NLR. After they told me, that im working together with a paramedic, they revengekilled me, breaking NLR the second time (see screen 1-3). While they were killing me, the government was at my house trying to put out the fire. I was able to see that cause i had a camera there (see screen 4).
The two armed guys even went deeper in breaking rules by going even closer to my house (see screen 5). After two minutes, i checked the camera once again, able to see that  bo2atps3 was stealing a cop car (or something similar) right in front of the cops eyes (see screen 7). They also killed the medic, the fireman and the police officer (see screen 8). Then they proppushed their own car out of the sea, which i drove in their before, to not give them a chance to get around fast after they died (see screen 9-11).
The next time i met them was in the City Tunel. They stole my car and were driving through the tunnel. They ran over me on purpose with my own car. Check screens 13 and 14, and compare them. The white stripe on the ground is at the same position, meaning that i didnt move, but they drove into me on purpose. In screen 15 you can see that im dead once again.
After that, the situation became peacefull for a while. Bu then we had a conversation with Jan, who told me that i should write a Report in the forums. After Jan released us, [FL:RP]Rastafari continued FailRP by threatening me with a weapon...

Summary of Rulebreaks they did (in my eyes)
1. Random Raid (maybe?) (my house had no high walls etc. , it was a peacefull fishermans house with contra)
2. NLR (Coming back & Revenge killing me)
3. RDM (I think killing the medic, the police officer and the fireman, who was putting out the fire was not necessary)
4. Proppush (their car out of the sea)
5. CDM (running over me on purpose)
6. FailRP (e.g. stealing the cop car in front of the cops eyes)


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Messages In This Thread
Report: bo2atps3 & [FL:RP]Rastafari - by VeroloxLP - 09-13-2015, 05:03 PM

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