Ban Req - Doozer
Name of player's: Doozer

1)Doozer: [FL:RP] DoozeRSTEAM_0:0:24842879

Time in GMT: 3:30-3:40

Summary: well first of i get on the server after it crashed, and these two are sitting here, outside the building i want to build in, so i waslk up to it, and doozer buys it, so i start to walk away, and than the cool marc guy rdm's me once, (no footage check the logs please) i respawn and they kill me again(check the logs) than i respawn again and and go to walk buy them and that's were that video started, and i told them they were introuble and to leav me alone casue i was recording, but than as you can see in the video, they followed me, and than i ran to the tunnel, and it might be hard to see but, cool marc followed me and Doozer stayed at the other end of the tunnel and got out a sniper, as you can see coolmarc pulls out a crow bar, and trys to hit me, and well im trying to get away you will see the sniper bullit go flying past me , barley missing me, i than got enough stamina to jump the barrier and i ran than coolmarc came up tome, hit me once , and than i was sniped and killed.

(please look closey as best as you can to see the sniper bullit, i know its hard to do, but please try .


Messages In This Thread
Ban Req - Doozer - by MrChilledSnow - 10-08-2011, 11:06 PM
RE: Ban Req - Doozer - by MikeyTheFox - 10-13-2011, 05:51 AM
RE: Ban Req - Doozer - by komar1234 - 10-15-2011, 05:21 PM
RE: Ban Req - Doozer - by Eric - 10-15-2011, 06:42 PM
RE: Ban Req - Doozer - by Toby - 10-18-2011, 04:15 PM

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