Report: 3 People Who May be At Fault For a Random Demotion
Calling someone a pedofile after staring at an underage girls rear is not an insult. And you didn't even address the part where you thought you had power over it as a "senior officer".
You had also insulted me in other ways other than calling me a pedofile. It's going to be investigated and i just want the logs of the chat so that I can prove that this is a invalid report. Also, how would you know that I had looked at her rear when you were facing the doors, not me. Therefore, the evidence of me looking at her rear end is invalid and you shouldn't have called me a pedophile.
P.S: It's pedophile, not pedofile.

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RE: Report: 3 People Who May be At Fault For a Random Demotion - by Wolfy - 07-24-2015, 07:15 PM

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