Adjust the rules/definition of semi-RP abit?

Yes, a whispersystem would be beautiful!

But about the non-laws-arrests, it doesn't do much when talking to the president. I mean yeah, I can go for an RP ofcourse, but if I get arrested 15 minutes for something that there are no laws against, then there's 15 minutes of looking into a wall in prison, and president or police will do anything about it. But I get your point. But there was one day when I was constantly arrested for 5 minutes for even walking on the wrong sidewalk, which there were no laws for, I was in jail for a total of 40 minutes in one hour, I just logged out, I couldn't stand those walls anymore.

And about the metagaming, yeah, I can see how they can identify me out of a crowd, but look at it this way:

I drive a car past an officer, he can see my licenseplates, and he starts running towards his car to chase me. I ditch my car, and run into the city. Then when he sees my name OOC'ly, he arrests me "because I know its you", and this happens almost daily.

I don't say requrements like 1000 hours for being a cop, but maybe put a ticketsystem that when the cop gets a ticket with description for doing something wrong, it will add up and after X-amount, he will be blacklisted/checked by an admin. I mean some of the cops don't even answer, they just arrest you. I talk as often as I can with the cops LOOC when there's something wrong, but it's not easy to learn people when they refuse to learn.

I know it might sound dumb, but it takes away alot of the pleasure of playing, and this server is not the only one, there is a reason that I stay with this server, and that's because of it's unique and complete system, and these things are minor things, but if this could be regulated correctly, the server would be as near as perfect, atleast for me.

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RE: Adjust the rules/definition of semi-RP abit? - by WillyVodka - 07-04-2015, 11:48 AM

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