Player Report: Stomm, - \/G - DarkAngelx
You know I called for the Sergeant, as you were standing next to me when I radioed it in. He responded that he was busy with a situation and that he would be there as soon as possible. That situation then escalated, and all units on non-priority calls (AKA me, trying to get you to just move the box 2 feet so I didn't have to arrest you) were called in. After that situation was resolved, we returned.

In addition, I was not pushing for your arrest for the mailbox, I was trying to get you to fix the thing (which, by the way, was in the street at times as you kept undoing the changes you'd make to it and it would end up back in the street). In my view having a mailbox "superglued" to the paved shoulder of the road is FailRP.

As for the powergaming accusation, I do not feel that that applies to this situation at all. From what I understand, Powergaming would be me basically forcing an action you have no chance of countering, something like "/me looks deep in the man's eyes and realizes he has contraband hidden in a secret room in his house under the stairs" (Yes, I know that is extremely absurd, I'm getting a point across). I definitely know powergaming is not arresting you for assault, obstruction of justice, and public intoxication. 2/3 charges were very valid, and that public intoxication is iffy.

(For the record, I was just going to take you in for assault, it was the other Officer's decision to add the "Abstruction of Justice" and "intoxication" charges.)

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RE: Player Report: Stomm, - \/G - DarkAngelx - by Stomm - 05-10-2015, 08:16 AM

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