Player Report: Stomm, - \/G - DarkAngelx
(05-08-2015, 07:16 PM)Stomm Wrote:
Quote:First of all, Macross had been getting in the way of multiple arrests that took place by the house, so the "abstraction" of justice charge DarkAngel placed on him was 100% justified.
The only time I remember being involved with the police outside our home was when you were insisting we move our postbox "off the road", when it wasn't obstructing the actual roadway.

This was previously before you showed up again in the first video.  You were actively looking for an excuse to enforce the law on us when we never committed any sort of actual offence.
Quote:Second, you can hear yourself that he sounds horribly confused, mainly because he's saying "Hello?" every 4 seconds. That is probably why he was charged with Public Intoxication.
His character wasn't a drunk.  His character never had a bottle in his hand.  He wasn't even tested for alcohol consumption like actual police would do before pressing charges.   To use any slight unusual behavior as an excuse to arrest someone for public intoxication(especially someone you've been clearly looking for a reason to arrest for a while) is a prime example of powergaming.

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RE: Player Report: Stomm, - \/G - DarkAngelx - by ilmon3y - 05-08-2015, 11:20 PM

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