[FINISHED] Government + Dispatch RP [TS3] [EVENT]
OOC Info:

Steam Name:
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:106232847
Hours on CityRP: 359
Bans: 6
Blacklists: 7
Roleplay Points: 3
Do you have TS3 and a microphone?: Yes i do indeed!

IC Info:

Job you are applying for: Police Officer
Full name: Adam 'Misty' McColl
Age: 29 (irl 14)
Why does EvoCity need you?: Evo City needs me because they need protection from a professional Police Officer that can respond to calls quickly and of course, be first on scene. I believe I can do the best of my ability being part of ECToungeD

Messages In This Thread
RE: Government + Dispatch RP [TS3] [EVENT] - by adammccoll21 - 04-27-2015, 06:52 PM

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