unblacklist request from Rowan
Your name: (Your, or friends, Steam name)Rowan

Your blacklist ID: (Blacklist ID as found on the blacklists page, example 2779)53532

Steam ID:[b]STEAM_0:0:50854233[/b]

Reason: (Why were you blacklisted, as stated on the blacklists page)Randomly stealing a government vehicle in the main street

Staff member who blacklisted you: venom

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: to be honest it was not random i was going to sell it to a third party but I didn't and I see this as abuse as if it where any other cop they would RP it, but if its an admin no its breaking the rules all of a sudden 

Messages In This Thread
unblacklist request from Rowan - by Rowan - 04-26-2015, 02:15 PM
RE: unblacklist request from Rowan - by Enzyme - 04-26-2015, 03:20 PM
RE: unblacklist request from Rowan - by Venom - 04-26-2015, 06:24 PM
RE: unblacklist request from Rowan - by Venom - 05-11-2015, 11:48 AM

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