Unblacklist Request
Name: Pinki-doctor

Time/Date: Dont know long time ago acually. For maybe 1 month ago or more...

Steam ID: Dont know... Thinking dont remember how i see it..

Blacklisted Job: Police Officer

Admin who blacklisted you: Andreas i think it was.

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: It was very long time ago and me and one other car and we were on the way on a case when we was Police officers to a shooting place there was a big situation. and when we camed in a turn he punched me with speed all the time i couldent stop i really tried to but he just drove and drove and in the turn there were a person went out on street and i drove over him... it wasent mean too! and i couldent stop Sad Please Unblacklist me it was so long time ago. And im better on driving now too Smile hehe

Messages In This Thread
Unblacklist Request - by Zlooxan Pinki doctor - 09-17-2011, 03:23 PM

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