[FINISHED] Government + Dispatch RP [TS3] [EVENT]
OOC Info:

Steam Name: DVN
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:79053468
Hours on CityRP: 235
Bans: 1
Blacklists: None
Roleplay Points: 11
Do you have TS3 and a microphone?: Yes

IC Info:

Job you are applying for: President
Full name: Mr. Devine
Age: 26
Why does EvoCity needs you?: EvoCity needs a strong, confident and healthy minded leader to ensure that the economy is stable, areas are up to scratch and as a City we keep crime rates and CO2 emissions low. My job is to lead, as well as make decisions. I need to make the right decisions to keep the City under control and the habitants happy.

I will always listen and work around ideas presented from the highest members of the City, to the very lowest. When it comes to development and improving the area we live in, it's extremely important to me.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [EVENT] Government + Dispatch RP [TS3] - by DVN - 04-24-2015, 01:13 PM

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