Ban Request: Fultzy, Yacino, Hypno, Vauld159, and Todcat3 c:â„¢
All rise for the honorable judge, who will now read the verdict.

The court has been acquainted with the presented materials and has found all defendants guilty.


Todcat3 c:™, in acts of random raiding, thus violating parole - permanent ban reinstated.
Vauld159, in acts of FailRP - 1 day ban and blacklisted from President.
Hypno, in acts of random raiding - 1 day ban.
Yacino, in acts of FailRP, with 4 priors - 1 day ban and blacklisted from law enforcement jobs.
Fultzy, in acts of RDM and random raiding, with 5 priors - 1 week ban.

It also came to my attention that none of the raiding Corleone's yelled Raid as required by rules.

[Image: 0511-1002-2402-5235_Mean_Cartoon_Judge_S..._image.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ban Request: Fultzy, Yacino, Hypno, Vauld159, and Todcat3 c:â„¢ - by Killjoy - 09-06-2011, 06:32 AM

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