Report: [NU] Nula and [FL:RP] MrGorzia53@NoSound
Name of Player:  [NU] Nuka and [FL:RP]MrGorzia53@NoSound

[NU]Nuka : STEAM_0:1:6148371
[FL:RP]MrGorzia53@NoSound : STEAM_0:1:78455372

Time in GMT: Between 10 PM and 11 PM.

Server: v2d

So I was roaming around map just driving, then realized there is only about 8 Players on Server, went to City, as I drove into city I saw wooden barricades just spawned in middle of road thus blocking it, I decided to drive through barricade, once I did that, President (Nuka) called me Twat, and spawned another barrier + placed trees in middle of street.
At the mean time the other guy MrGorzia was building water heaters in middle of road + also had placed road signs.

I went parked my car, and told president: "You do realize road is blocked?" 

Nuka said: I am gov official. (Basically: I can do that)
MrGorzia: Said "kk" (Obviously not giving a single crap about any rules)

Apparently he thought that if staff member (Mavis) didn't say anything - it was okay to do anything he wants, despite Mavis being afk. 

Then I decided to see what will happen if I break barriers, I took car and broke two of MrGorzias barriers, he told me to go around, since he told me that IIC, I decided to somewhat reply in IIC and said I am unfamiliar with this area and that this is the only road I know, to which he wasn't too happy and prop pushed my car away. 

So I am pretty sure Nuka chose job of Pres just for salary since he was so willing to contra whore because server is empty (greed). But seriously though, I understand that server is empy-ish, they still managed to cause distraction.

Also I was very surprised to see players with over 450 hours on record to be behaving in such asshat way. 
Just checked their bans, no surprise anyway. 


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Messages In This Thread
Report: [NU] Nula and [FL:RP] MrGorzia53@NoSound - by arleitiss - 02-22-2015, 11:28 PM

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